The Stable Air System
An All-in-One Solution for Your Installation.
Partner with the best.
Cellular Concrete Technologies supplies state of the art equipment, chemical, batch design and personnel for your installation. We come on to your site and produce the foam concrete, manage the density to meet job specifications and take samples for 3rd party testing throughout the placement process. The contractor places and finishes the job with their crew and our supervision. CCT takes all responsibility for producing the correct density and strength material. View CCT’s approved installer at

The CCM-1000 is a portable batch plant that can be setup in remote locations to batch all types of concrete up to 1,000 yards per 10 hours day.
Structural foundation, wall panels, roof panels, lightweight
geo-backfill or mine fill, roof’s insulation and everything in between. The CCM-1000 is a self contained & self sufficient equipment with its
own power generator, water tank, mixer, pump compressor, foam generator
and batch designs for all mixes.
With our pre-designed mix protocol you can batch and pump any mix
required for your project following our mix design procedure.

Award-Winning Foaming Agent
A revolutionary foaming agent allows you to accurately predict, maintain and control air volume in every batch.