Designed for Redi-Mix
An All-in-One Solution for Your Installation.
Partner with the best
Cellular concrete/ foam concrete (CLSM) is being specified by engineers increasingly with each passing year and by having cellular concrete available from your plants, your company will increase business and profits, save on cost without adding additional personnel or drivers to your fleet.
Currently Ready Mix only provides some of the slurry for these projects and is not realizing the profits 30% to 60% left on the table by not including the foam. Small jobs can be batched at the local plant, while larger pours can be set up with a foam station onsite to allow for 1 truck to deliver 10 yards of slurry and be paid for 30 yards of material onsite. Never before has 1 driver delivered 30 yards of concrete in one truck.
For high production projects, CCT will provide an onsite cellular concrete batching plant (CCM-1000) with an operation team (per yard rate fee applies) and your company will supply the cement powder and experience the highest profits per yard of material ever contemplated by your management.
Cellular Concrete Technologies supplies state of the art equipment, chemical, batch design and personnel for your installation. We come on to your site and install the foam injection system which allows your plant to supply Cellular Concrete or (Foamed Concrete) in a wide range of densities and strengths. The station is fully automated and is operated with ease by your dispatcher. All designs are pre-programed into the design control system. CCT provides maintenance for the equipment and technical support.